A note about privacy and security:

We take your privacy seriously. But consider that it is difficult to do genealogical research without using names! We attempt to discover the lives of our ancestors, which means names, dates and places. But we are also sensitive to the needs of living people to protect their private information. Our massive Harriman database is on-line, but available only to members using their password. Living people are shown only as "Living" with no details. If we are unsure, we mark anyone born less than 100 years ago or married less than 80 years ago as living.

Membership information, such as addresses, is not placed on-line. The only things in any file on our website are names of members.

The lineage file is of interest to members to see how they relate to other members. This display is created dynamically - that is, it does not exist as a file, but is displayed only to your screen. It also requires your password.

You can opt out of this display by emailing webmaster@harriman-family.org, but one of our reasons for existence is to connect our members to their ancestors.

Much of this information can be found on-line in other ways - for exmaple, if you were born before 1940 you are in the 1940 census. And the 1950 census will be releaed in 2022.

Since your mother's maiden nameis often used as a security quesiton, this is a potential weak point. Therefore,it is good practice when asked this question, to use a fake name or your grandmotheror gr-grandmother's name. The same is true for your pet's name - use your first pet, not your current one.

We do not ask for nor record social security numbers, bank numbers, etc.

Discovering our ancestors is one of the most popular pasttimes today. But of necessity it means sharing our family history with others. We are always here to ansewer your questions: