Access to the Harriman Genealogical Database © HFA 2024

Developed and maintained by Susan Bixby

PUBLIC ACCESS: To see a tree of the descendants of Leonard and John,
enter your name (at least 10 characters including spaces and punctuation)
OR your e-mail address; full access is for members only.
MEMBER ACCESS: For full access, enter your password found on your newsletter mailing label.
Date of
Date of
web pages
Leonard and John Harriman of Rowley and New Haven4/15/20244/17/2024
John Harryman of Baltimore 10/24/202110/25/2021
Craig and James Harriman - their parents are unknown at this time.8/19/20208/26/2020
      People with the Harriman name and no known ancestors
      People with the Herriman name and no known ancestors
      People with the Harryman name and no known ancestors

Please enter your password
It is found on your member newsletter mailing label and is of the form AB1234

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Need a password or forgot your password? e-mail to

If you have a problem accessing any part of the database, please contact the webmaster.
If you have questions about the data or wish to add anything, please contact the family archivist.

Why isn't this free to everyone?

Updates to the on-line database
  • The pages have been completly reformatted. You will find more information now.
    We have added the notes from the database. These would normally appear as footnotes in a printed work and are usually additional information about the preceding entry.
    These notes are shown in brown surrounded by [].
  • We will attempt to update the on-line database every two months, so check the creation date shown on the first page. Research is on-going. 

    Database access program by F. S. Gauss Version: 2023-0622