The Harriman Family Association
FOUNDED July 18, 1987

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This site and its content is © The Harriman Genealogical Research Association, LLC (The Harriman Family Association).The content may not be copied or used without permission, although the facts herein are public record.


Send check for item[s], made out to HFA, with your name, postal address and email address to our treasurer:

Margaret H. Clarke
37 Carleton Road
Belmont, MA 02478

All publication prices include tax and shipping.
Harriman Family
Association Newsletter
Harriman History:
Feudalism to Freedom
Harriman Family:
Research in Progress
Harriman Tales Harriman Tales
Vol 2
Free to download
Deerfield Massacre Visiting Uldale

$26/2 yr
$36/3 yr

Add $2.40/
year for extra
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Canada and
other non-US
Harriman Family Association Newsletter

Articles about the association and about Harriman ancestors, genealogical articles related to Harriman research, reunion information and more. Sent to all members three times a year: March, July and November.

We will be happy to send a complimentary copy of the newsletter. E-mail your request to .
Please include your mailing address, as the newsletter is not provided electronically at this time.
Here is some information about the newsletter, current contents, indexes and a sample issue.
Membership information is here.

New lower price
$22 hardcover
$16 paperback

Harriman History: Feudalism to Freedom
The probable English ancestry of Leonard and John Harriman

by Lois Ware Thurston, C.G.

This book has been out of print for some time. We have now reprinted the book in both hardcover and softcover formats under license from Picton Press. Both versions are identical in content. This is an exact copy of the original, except for reformatting of the covers.

The book contains the results of extensive research in England funded by the Association to determine the origins of our Harrimans and pretty clearly establishing the father, grandfather and gr-grandfather of Leonard and John and their home in Uldale, England.

$20 softcover

Harriman Family: Research in Progress,
© 1992, 4th. printing, by Lois Ware Thurston, C.G.

Soft cover, 8 1/2" x 11", 110 pages, plus index. Covering the first 4 generations in America and listing the children of the 5th generation. Printed by the HFA

$15 paperback

Harriman Tales
published 2018

Soft cover, trade paperback, 216 pages.
This is a collection of the most interesting stories from the Harriman Family newsletters
of the last 30+ years.
The table of contents

Buy BOTH volumes of Harriman Tales together for $22.
Be sure to specify Volumes 1 and 2.

$11 paperback

Harriman Tales Volume 2
published 2023

Soft cover, trade paperback, 122 pages.
This is a collection of the most interesting stories from the Harriman Family newsletters of the last 5 years, since the first volume was published.
The table of contents

Download here for free

John Harriman and the Battle of Bloody Brook
published 2023

Leonard Harriman's oldest son was killed in the massacre at Deerfield, known as the Battle of Bloody Creek

Visiting Uldale

Notes by members of the HFA who have visited Uldale, England, the ancestral home of the Harrimans.